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DC-ITSafe HDE: Cloud&Heat and RZproducts present the first water-cooled server safe

Cloud&Heat Technologies Press News Article

Product innovation at it-sa 2019

Nuremberg / Dresden, 4. October 2019. Cloud&Heat Technologies and RZproducts have their Competences united and a space savings, highly secure compact computer centre develops, the at October at the Security trade fair itsa in Nuremberg first time presented becomes. The
water-cooled DCITSafe HDE (HighDensityEdition) is a complete turnkey solution that can be used in front of especially through enormous Power density, extensive safety features and high Energy efficiency convincing. The new product is intended to In future, we will jointly develop new market segments from the Research & Developmentdevelopment, Industry 4.0 and CRITIS be opened up.

On the itsa 2019 (8 to 10 October), Europe's largestr Trade fair for ITSecurity, present the Dresden GreenITCompany Cloud&Heat Technologies and the ITSecurity experts the RZProducts GmbH (a Company the DATA CENTER GROUP) ae new turnkey Complete solution: the DCITSafe HDE.

First water-cooled serverSafe

The DCITSafe HDE is based on the worldwide successful DCITSafe from RZProducts GmbH and offers at all safety features of the EdgeMicroDataCentreThese include in particular the certified physical Resilience against Fire, External access, and Dust and Ambient air independence and comprehensive monitoring systems. Cloud&Heat expands the DC ITSafe HDE with its innovative and environmentally friendly hot waterDirect cooling. The result is the first water-cooled serverSafe the world with a particularly high power density of up to to 35 Kilowatt.

The complete solution is turnkey (Servers and Cloud are optional!) with customised compiledr ServerHardware of different Manufacturer and fromconfigured CloudPlatform (OpenStack) delivered. If required, the waste heat generated by the servers can be reused. e.g. for heating. Additional protection is provided by the softwareside mechanisms for Safety hardening of secustack, which can be installed on request.

Complete solution for the development of new markets

With the trade fair novelty Expanda Cloud&Heat and RZproducts Their Portfolio around a turnkey Complete lSolution, consisting from powerful hardware and safer and intelligent CloudSoftware. Thus the market segments Research & Development, Medicine/Pharma, Industry 4.0
and generally serves companies and organisations with critical infrastructures (CRITIS) become, the not only have high safety requirements, but also a lot of Processing power on little Need space.

"The DCITSafe HDE combines the physical resistance of theandsibility of the DCITSafes from RZproducts with the energy-efficient water cooling and the secure cloudCloud&Heat platform." says Nicolas Röhrs, CEO at Cloud&Heat Technologies. "By combining our competences, we want to we have a safe uand efficient ITEstablish a complete solution on the market that is sustainable, efficient and still affordable," adds Jörgen Venot, International Sales Director RZproducts.

Variably scalable and quickly ready for use

Thanks to the modularcompactn Construction needs the DCITSafe HDE approx. 2 m² and can be practically Place anywhere (Benvironment or production hall) and simply expand. The turnkey ITSolution is manufactured in cooperation between RZproducts and Cloud&Heat and is From the end of the Jahres from Available from stock. The Commissioning of the highly secure compact data centre (including Cloudplatform) takes place within less days.

You will find the exhibit during the itsa 2019 at the stand of RZproducts in Hall 9, Stand 509.


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Nach über 10 Jahren Betrieb verabschiedet sich die Cloud&Heat Technologies von zwei weiteren ihrer Micro-Rechenzentren in Dresden (Wallotstraße & Tannenstraße).