Dresden, 5 May 2020. Dhe server–Manufacturer Thomas–Krenn.AG from the Bavarian town of Freyung and the Dresden Provider safer, sustainable IT–Infrastructures Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH cooperate at the Production and Marketing more energy efficient, liquid chilled
Thomas–In future, Krenn will offer liquid-cooled variants of selected servers. Supplementary Cloud&Heat offers the right infrastructure–Hardware, which is used in numerous data centres worldwide is successfully in use. The liquid-cooled server use the principle of hot water–Direct cooling of Cloud&Heat and thus make it possible to drastically increase the power density in the data centre, while keeping the Energy consumption of IT–systems and to use the resulting waste heat.
Strong Partnership for the provision of energy–efficient, power-dense IT–Infrastructures
Thomas–Krenn takes over the production of the servers–Hardware, based on standard–Models of the Manufacturers. Cloud&Heat provides for the Planning, individual Adjustmentung and Installation the necessary infrastructure at the customer's premises. The Dresden-based company also provides consulting services,
Setup and lifecycle–management of the software infrastructure on top and delivers comprehensive Security mechanisms to protect datasecurity and data protection. Together, the companies valuable synergies for building comprehensively sustainable infrastructures, and are their joint customers with support and consulting services over the entire life cycle
away to the side.
The Offer is aimed at organisations and companies that want to reduce energy consumption and C02–emissions of their IT in the long term and at the same time want to increase the power density. The The use of liquid cooling opens up significant savings potentials.e through a reduced Power consumption of the servers themselves, as onboard–fans are omitted, a far higher efficiency of the cooling system compared to conventional air cooling, and not least because of the possibility of of the servers.
"We are delighted to be working with Thomas–Krenn, we have found a partner with whom we can jointly develop the Share our vision of sustainable digitalisation and provide our customers with a new water-cooled generation of servers has made a significant economic and ecological difference. Deliver added value", justifies Nicolas Röhrs, CEO of Cloud&Heat, the cooperation.
Christoph Maier, Member of the Board of Thomas–Krenn.AG adds: "Cloud&Heat, as a pioneer of the industry's holistic approach to energy-efficient IT with impressive consequence. As strong growth, internationally successful company is the Dresden-based company, just as
like Thomas–Krenn, a real success story 'Made in Germany'. Together we can offer our Customers now practical water-cooled solutions for flexible and sustainable modernisation of their IT–offer infrastructure."
Liquid-cooled servers in combination with OpenStack–based cloud–Solutions
The liquid-cooled servers from Thomas–Krenn based on standard–Systems with Supermicro–Maynboards and are suitable for classic server–Workloads On–Premise or hosted Environments. In combination with the Open–Stack–based cloud–The Cloud&Heat solution but also an ideal hardware basis for secure and highly scalable cloud applications. In addition, it is possible to make existing Thomas-Krenn servers fit for the use of liquid cooling by retrofitting them with cool kits. The first servers, 2U systems based on the popular Thomas Krenn server RI2208, will be available from mid-2020. Further models will follow.
About the Thomas-Krenn.AG
Thomas-Krenn.AG is a leading, fast-growing manufacturer of individual server and storage systems. Since 2002, the company has been supplying end users, resellers and data centre operators with high-quality hardware according to the build-to-order principle. Also as a solution provider for individual customer projects, Thomas-Krenn.AG stands for the highest service quality in hardware-related development, contract manufacturing, product finishing and logistics. It is thus a recognised reliable partner for industry, system houses, service providers and medium-sized end customers from every sector. Thomas-Krenn.AG currently produces all servers in Germany at the Freyung site with around 160 employees.