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secunet and Cloud&Heat dissolve their joint subsidiary secustack and decide to intensify their direct partnership

Dhe Cloud service and cloud technology provider Cloud&Heat Technologies and Germany's leading cybersecurity company and IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany secunet have dissolved their joint subsidiary secustack by mutual agreement at the end of 2023, but will strengthen their direct cooperation. Following the dissolution of secustack GmbH, the activities of the joint subsidiary will be continued in the secunet product SINA Cloud.

To this end, the two companies have concluded a strategic partnership agreement. In addition to their partnership, they will continue to be involved in the jointly founded association ALASCA e.V.,which promotes the (further) development of operational, open cloud infrastructures. This is accompanied by joint work on Yaook, the lifecycle management system for open cloud infrastructures.

The SecuStack technology stack will be integrated into the SINA Cloud from 1 January 2024 and will be further developed by secunet's subsidiary SysEleven. For existing customers, maintenance of the SecuStack product is still contractually guaranteed.

"I am delighted to have founded secustack together with Dr Marius Feldmann from Cloud&Heat, thereby laying an
essential foundation for the development and operation of secure cloud infrastructures. and operation of secure cloud infrastructures. In the new constellation, secustack's approach and technological achievements will be in good hands and contribute to the optimisation of our product portfolio. With Cloud&Heat, we also have a strong partner at our side with whom we can work together on the future of KRITIS-compliant digital infrastructures," says Dr Kai Martius, Chief Technology Officer at secunet.

secustack GmbH was founded in March 2019 by Cloud&Heat and secunet. With its technology stack of the same name ("SecuStack"), the company provided a fully comprehensive and security-hardened cloud operating system and enabled companies and institutions with security-critical applications to move to the cloud. with security-critical applications to move to the cloud. With end-to-end encryption of data in the cloud, comprehensive key management, infrastructural hardening and a wide range of user-oriented options for controlling the keys, a solution was created to protect and control their own data.
with security-critical applications took the step into the cloud. With end-to-end encryption of data in the cloud, comprehensive key management, infrastructural hardening and a wide range of user-oriented options for controlling the keys, a solution has been created to protect and control your own data.


About secunet - Security for digital infrastructures
secunet is Germany's leading cybersecurity company. In an increasingly networked world, the company ensures resilient digital infrastructures and the highest possible protection for data, applications and digital identities with a combination of products and consulting. secunet specialises in areas where there are special security requirements - such as cloud, IIoT, eGovernment and eHealth. With secunet's security solutions, companies can comply with the highest security standards in digitalisation projects and thus drive their digital transformation forward. Over 1000 experts strengthen the digital sovereignty of governments, companies and
society. Its customers include federal ministries, more than 20 DAX-listed companies and other national and international organisations. The company was founded in 1997. It is listed on the German Stock Exchange and generated revenue of around 347 million euros in 2022. secunet is an IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany and a partner of the Alliance for Cyber Security.
More information can be found at

About Cloud&Heat Technologies

Green, Open, Efficient - this is the motto of Cloud&Heat Technologies, a Dresden-based cloud service and technology provider. With its vision of holistic, open and sustainable solutions, the company develops and operates scalable digital infrastructures. It specifically focusses on open source software, including on the basis of OpenStack, the open source standard for cloud platforms, in order to bring more transparency to the cloud market. The Dresden-based company is also endeavouring to resolve the conflict between the rapidly growing demand for computing power, e.g. in the areas of deep and machine learning, and sustainability with the help of innovative technologies (use of water-cooled servers and reuse of server waste heat), thereby improving the carbon footprint across all sectors.
More information can be found at

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Nach über 10 Jahren Betrieb verabschiedet sich die Cloud&Heat Technologies von zwei weiteren ihrer Micro-Rechenzentren in Dresden (Wallotstraße & Tannenstraße).