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Join our monthly GC Tech-Talks, an open platform for the sharing of innovative projects related to sustainable Cloud infrastructures, Cloud services and Cloud use cases!

Hard facts

24 November, 2022

(And for the upcoming tech-talks every last Thursday of the month, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm)

NEW! We have adjusted our tech-talk and will now have one presentation per session instead of two. This will give the participants and our speakers more time for discussions and deep dives. We will also share news and events that could be of interest to our community.


Tor Lund-Larsen | CEO of Cyberus Technology

„Secure Operating System and Test Automation – lessons learned and future perspectives“  

The presentation will be about lessons learned from Intel, FireEye and now Cyberus with low-level (Operating System) software engineering, test automation and “Shifting-Left” software quality assurance.

The talk will introduce a new metric: “Structural Release Delay“ (SRD) as the critical success measure for the efficiency and productivity of a software factory, and discuss the challenges and benefits of switching from “standard” asynchronous to a synchronous “left-shifted” software engineering and test methodology.

Register now and save your virtual seat!

What is the focus of the GC Tech-Talks?

The GC Tech-Talks focus on projects that have the potential to improve digital infrastructures and cloud services, as well as on the use cases that rely on these infrastructures and services. Interesting topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Concepts, technologies or prototypical implementations that improve the sustainability of cloud infrastructures and services
  • Concepts or technologies to achieve interoperability, security, scalability and openness of cloud services in Multi-Cloud setting
  • Initial implementation and prototypes of the concepts that are being jointly developed in communities such as Gaia-X
  • Use cases that rely on Cloud services

Who can participate in the meetings?

Anyone who is interested in the discussed topics.

Who can present a project in the meetings?

Anyone who has a potentially relevant contribution to the community. The presentations can focus on projects in different maturity stages and should include technical aspects (i.e.: an initial technical concept or an overview of the implementation). Since the Tech-Talks are open, all speakers should use discretion regarding the disclosure of confidential information.

Please submit your ideas for Tech-Talks to

The story behind the GC Tech-Talk

In the summer of 2021, 28 partners joined forces to submit a project proposal to the call for expressions of interest for the IPCEI-CIS (Important Project of Common European Interest on Cloud Infrastructure and Services). The proposal was submitted under the name GREEN-CIS (General Purpose Resilient and Secure Energy Efficient Computing Infrastructure Network) and focused on developing and building a virtual, sustainable Cloud-Edge system for Europe, based on a decentralized, multi-provider open-source ecosystem that can operate as a seamless unit. Not all partners made it through the pre-selection process, but they still share the vision of an open, sustainable future of the Cloud infrastructure and services. The GREEN-CIS Tech-Talks were devised as an open community to continue driving this vision forward and to lay the grounds for an innovative and collaborative ecosystem for joint projects.